Happy 2025!
It’s hard to believe it’s almost five years since the retail part
of AABC closed!
We are still selling early comics on eBay weekly
(seller AMGIROUX)
and through mail order.
And we still have hundreds of thousands of comics
to sell, so feel free to email us with your
want list:Alan @AllAboutComics.comFacebook
Tag Archives: Heroes Return
It Came From the Back Room #21

Standard recap: I’m slowly going through AABC’s one-million-plus back-issue room, restocking the boxes on the sales floor and pulling stuff to sell as discount/overstock/special items. I’m going through the alphabet backwards (don’t ask), and at my speed, this amounts to a two-year project. This week, we’re continuing the letter “I,” and featuring the second half of The Invincible Iron Man. In our last episode, we got up to the end of Shellhead’s first run, which ended with issue #332, in 1996. If you’d like to see some high-end offerings of those early issues, check our stock here, here, here and … Continue reading
Posted in Comics History, Marvel, News & Promos, Reviews
Tagged Heroes Reborn, Heroes Return, Iron Man, Kurt Busiek, Matt Fraction, Mike Grell, Salvador Larroca, Warren Ellis
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