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Tag Archives: Fight Club 3
Phil’s Reviews: Stuff I Bought #509

Age of X-Man: Alpha #1 (of 1) — Writers: Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler; Art: Ramon Rosanas; Colors: Triona Farrell Uncanny X-Men 3D #1 (of 1) — Writer: Chris Claremont; Pencils: Jim Lee; Inks: Scott Williams; Colors: Glynis Oliver X-Force #2 (Legacy #232) — Writer: Ed Brisson; Art: Dylan Burnett; Colors: Jesus Aburtov Doctor Strange #10 (Legacy #400) — Writer: Mark Waid; Art/Colors: Jesus Saiz; Kevin Nowlan and Jim Campbell; Butch Guice and Carlos Lopez; Tom Palmer and Daniel Acuna Journey Into Unknown Worlds #1 (of 1) — Writers: Cullen Bunn; Clay McLeod Chapman; Art: Guillermo Sanna; Francesco Manna If … Continue reading
Posted in New Comics, Reviews
Tagged Age of X-Man, Captain America, Conan, Doctor Strange, Fight Club 3, Flash, Justice League, Rick and Morty, Spider-man, Superman, Terrifics, Wasp, West Coast Avengers, Wyrd, X-force, X-men
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