Phil-In: Stuff I Read and Put Back: #126

More and more deadlines, so let’s chug a Pepsi and do this dance!

Action Comics Annual #12 Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Pere Perez
Interesting layouts by Perez are the only thing that make this Annual interesting at all.  The confusing Nightwing/Flamebird-through-history-thing was weird, and a little too full of itself, in my opinion.  I quit reading this once, and then went back and finished it.  Bad choice, cause it really was not very good.

Air # 10 Writer: G. Willow Wilson Artist: M.K. Perker
Everytime I read this I find myself thinking “huh?”  The plot is fairly thin, but becomes extremely convoluted by all the one-shots jumping through time.  A mediocre story is not worth investing my time in, so I think I’m completely done with this title.  Maybe I’m just not a pretentious hipster enough to really enjoy this.  Oh well, that’s pretty much a compliment to myself, screw you hipsters!  (I kid because I love!)

Fantastic Force: Writer: Joe Ahearne Artist: Steve Kurth
This is just bad.  Very very very bad.  Kurth is a poor man’s Bryan Hitch, and by “poor man”, I mean “literally lost a house in the recession” poor.  The plot doesn’t make any sense, and it seems as though they have just tried to throw anything from the Millar/Hitch run at the audience and see what works.  Interesting fact: This doesn’t work, at all.

Dark Reign: Fantastic four #4 (of 5) Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Sean Chen
Hickman will be on FF right after Millar, and while this is a solid story, I just can’t find a reason to care.  I know it’s a well crafted story, but for some reason I just can’t get engrossed in it in any way.  Good luck to Hickman, hope it gets better after this.  My big “Meh” of the week.

Masquerade #4 Writer: Phil Hester Artist: Carlos Paul
Superpowers Chapter 2 #0 Writer: Jim Kreuger Artist: ?
I couldn’t tell who wrote and drew Superpowers, so I guessed.  Maybe they were smart and left their names off so I couldn’t make fun of them.  This is more and more like the Earth X trilogy ever time, and I just don’t like it.  I don’t want an overwritten mess, and that’s pretty much all this is.  Stop it Alex Ross, please?

Outsiders #19 Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Fernando Pasarin and Jeremy Haun
So, because Alfred is here, that makes it tied in to Batman: Reborn?  Ok.  Either way, it’s not very good.  Deathstroke doesn’t quite kill anyone important and then runs off.  Mission… Accomplished?  This team (aside from the Creeper) doesn’t interest me at all, so I have no interest in where this is going at all.

Power Girl #2 Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray Artist: Amanda Conner
This is the most disappointing title of the week.  I love Palmiotti and Gray on Jonah Hex, and I love pretty much everything Conner does, but I just don’t like this.  Even with a great monkey villain, there’s just not much to this.  To put it simply, it’s just not very good.  I really really wish it was, and maybe it’ll get better, but as of right now, it’s just not working right.

Wolverine: Origins #37 Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Scot Eaton
Blah, Blah, Blah, Romulus.  Blah, Blah, Blah, best there is at what I do.  Blah, Blah, Blah Kaboom, Slash, Pow.  That’s the usual Origins story in a nutshell.  I’m glad they got Steve Dillon off of this because he deserves better.  Way should really just stick to Deadpool, because most of his stuff is not very good.  How has this lasted 37 issues?

War Machine #7 Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Allan Jefferson, Mahmud Asrar and RB Silva
I found this to be pretty stupid the first time I read it, but I enjoyed it.  It played off of it’s stupidity and I felt like Pak and the artist were in on the joke.  Now, it’s as if they cleaned up the art, but decided to still blow up and kill people, so it doesn’t work at all.  Taking yourself too seriously isn’t really a crime, but it probably should be with books like this.

X-men Origins: Gambit Writer: Mike Carey Artist: David Yardin and Ibraim Roberson
I realized I outgrew my “wow, guy with exploding cards is cool!” phase years ago.  I made it three pages into this, couldn’t stand the “ah” instead of “I” that comes with a stereotypical Cajun accent, and stopped reading.  That’s a review in and of itself folks.

And with that, I’m out!  Enjoy, or don’t, but just know that I’m right.

“The” Dan Jacka

About Alan

Alan Giroux, co-owner and founder of AABC is the heart and soul of All About Books and Comics! Alan is the master of acquiring our massive back issue inventory (over one million comics in stock). With 40 years of comic retailing Alan's expertise in back issue comics is unmatched. Alan handles all eBay sales. Got something to sell? Contact Alan!
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