Phil-In – Reviews by AABC Staffer Dan- Stuff I Bought #126

All right folks! Deadlines and stuff have these posted way early! In other words, you’re welcome!

Herogasm #2 (of 6) Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: John McCrea
Well… that was a lot more nudity than last issue. The superhero perversion continues, and the hilarity ensues. Whether it’s farting brown gas, taking interestingly formed drugs, or just copping a feel, this mini-series has taken no prisoners. Hilarious dirty stuff, but what do you expect from the guys who brought you Hitman?

Incognito #4 (of 6) Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Sean Philips
Delays hurt this, but it’s still easily better than 75% of the market. I am enjoying this, but I honestly think Criminal is So much better. I’m longing for the days when I could just have simple noir, and not have superheroes get in the way. Still solid stuff, but I want my Criminal back!

Green Arrow vs. Black Canary #21 Writer: Andrew Kreisberg Artist: Mike Norton
I have enjoyed what Kreisberg has brought to the table so far. He’s made me vaguely interested in Black Canary which is a recognizable feat. But really, it’s a comic about a guy shooting arrows who now has a creepy stalker shooting arrows. Clever fun stuff, and I’m definitely going to continue buying this title

Hawkeye #3 (of 5) Writer: Andy Diggle Artist: Tom Raney
For the other publisher’s marksman, we get this. Andy Diggle is probably my favorite “under the radar” writer. He keeps producing consistently fun work, and this is no exception. I say fun, and yet it involves Bullseye and fancy killing, so you know my view of fun is skewed. An enjoyable killing fest, and exactly what it needs to be.

Captain America #600 Writer/Artist: Various
Brubaker has a story, as do several others in this overhyped story. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still fantastic as ever, but really, all that hype? One Panel? Buy Reborn, do it now, even though it’s not out yet! Still good stuff, but kinda of a bummer cause of the hype.

Batman: Streets of Gotham #1 Writer: Paul Dini Artist: Dustin Nguyen
I didn’t like Nguyen on Detective, and I thought Dini was not at his best. This is a much better start, and a good first issue. Something to be said again about the Bat-books, they have provided great jumping on points. He even managed to use the Hush-as-Bruce in an interesting way, which means it’s already better than his Detective run.

Destroyer #3 (of 5) Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Cory Walker
Invincible #63 Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Ryan Ottley
This Kirkman duo is very easy to group together for simple reasons. Kirkman’s scripts work best when his artists have deceptively cartoony art. Both Ottley and Walker pull this off, so when the violence hits, it’s all the more shocking. Let me tell you, this was shocking. Whether it was Destroyer, taking a page from Sin City, or Invincible punching Through people, this stuff was intense. Kirkman doesn’t disappoint, as long as he doesn’t deal with any mainstream characters. Great, excessively violent, and fun.

Invincible Iron Man #14 writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Salvador Larroca
Progressively becoming one of the best books in the market, this issue of Iron Man is no exception. Larroca is probably one of my favorite artists, and I really can’t explain why. Fraction as always has a solid story that’s ready for anyone to read. Only 14 issues in, it’s very easy to jump on the bandwagon and get in on this goldmine.

Punisher #6 Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Tan Eng Huat
Aside from the strange sounding artist name, this is a pretty straightforward Punisher series. We have established my opinions of the Punisher in the past entries (go read them!) but this is the one title that’s still ok with me. I like having him run around the Marvel Universe, and I can’t wait to see him really start killing some bad guys. Good, solid stuff, and the only Punisher worth reading right now.

Young Liars # 16 Writer/Artist: David Lapham
As ridiculously strange as ever, just wanted to mention that it still exists. Not for much longer though, because of all you people Not buying this, it’s been cancelled. It’s been one of the stranger premises in comics in a while, with the Lapham-jumping-around-between-stories style that can be found in Stray Bullets. I’d recommend that title too, but it never wrapped up either, so you can read the incomplete version. What is with you people not letting Lapham do what he wants? Jerks.

Spider-Man Requiem #1 (of 2) Writer: Bendis! Artist: Mark Bagley & Stuart Immonen
Better than the last issue, but still absolutely massacred by Ultimatum. I love the Bagley art, cause that’s just the kind of guy I am. Jameson’s character fluctuation seems completely forced, and that’s the most disappointing. Another disappointment involves the lack of a feeling of relevance. Why did it have to be like this? Why should I care? Those are the questions I find myself asking.

Simpsons #155 Writer: Batton Lash Artist: Tone Rodriguez
I’m shocked at how good this was. The three part crossover that makes fun of the Big Two. So funny just because it’s mocking the continuity heavy times we live in. Great stuff, and I look forward to the other two parts of this crossover

Quick List of things that came out that you either already know how good they are or you should buy the trades and find out:

Hellblazer #256 Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Madman # 16 Writer/Artist: Mike Allred
Tiny Titans #17 Writer/Artist: Art Baltazar and Franco
Wonderful Wizard of Oz #7 Writer: Eric Shanower Artist: Skottie Young
Ex Machina Writer: Brian K Vaughan Artist: Tony Harris
And don’t forget about Hitman Volume 1 and Sleeper Volume 1, both with new printings out this week. Great trades available at your local comic shop, which should be All About!

“The” Dan Jacka

About Alan

Alan Giroux, co-owner and founder of AABC is the heart and soul of All About Books and Comics! Alan is the master of acquiring our massive back issue inventory (over one million comics in stock). With 40 years of comic retailing Alan's expertise in back issue comics is unmatched. Alan handles all eBay sales. Got something to sell? Contact Alan!
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