Getting off My Duff #19

I never thought that early 1980’s comic books would ever seem like antiques to me, but after sorting and pricing several hundred books this week from that time period, I’ve changed my mind. Comic books that retailed for 50 cents to 75 cents are now THREE DECADES old! And I was a retailer back then selling them! Sheesh! Where’s my hearing aid and cane? The staff and I have priced a lot of beautiful NM books this week from the 7,000 or so I acquired a couple of weeks ago. As stated in earlier blogs, the majority of the books are DC’s, but there’s a nice sampling of Marvels too. The vast majority of this collection was purchased from AABC by one collector that’s been on subscription with us for the last 28 years! They were gingerly read, and stored away nicely for the last quarter of a century. We’re finishing up the “D’s” by tomorrow, so if you have any desire to fill in your collection of BATMAN, BATGIRL, BIRDS OF PREY, CAPTAIN AMERICA, or DETECTIVE COMICS, to name a few, the boxes are chock full for your perusal. We’ll feature two or three boxes on one of the counters starting tomorrow, so bring in your lists and check ’em out. Comic book back issues don’t always stay in “NM” condition once you feature them on the floor, so come in soon for best condition and selection.

In the next two weeks, I’ll also be pulling together huge lots of assorted IMAGE and WILDSTORM to be sold pennies to the dollar. All the issues are VF to NM overstock the Professor has conjured up from the back room in the last few months, and will be sold as “packets” or “sets”; probably 50 different issues for no more than $19.95! That averages about 40 cents per book! That’s a deal that can’t be beat.

And another deal that can’t be beat? The DISCOUNT COMIC room will be open all week with prices at only 50 CENTS EACH! We’re loaded with stock in there; what’s new? You have about 20,000 comics to choose from in there, with the vast majority from Marvel and DC. There’s some screamin’ deals here people, so give yourself some time and come in and browse. Remember, all books in the DISCOUNT COMIC ROOM are 50 CENTS EACH till next Tuesday!

See ya’ on new comic day!


About Alan

Alan Giroux, co-owner and founder of AABC is the heart and soul of All About Books and Comics! Alan is the master of acquiring our massive back issue inventory (over one million comics in stock). With 40 years of comic retailing Alan's expertise in back issue comics is unmatched. Alan handles all eBay sales. Got something to sell? Contact Alan!
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