Getting off My Duff #25

Well, is it hot enough outside for everyone? Then come into the store tomorrow for a really cool item. (Gee, how lame is that lead-in?) Really though guys and girls; the biggest book of the summer is being released tomorrow. And that book is BLACKEST NIGHT #1! The prophecy of the Book of Oa in GREEN LANTERN finally comes to light, leading into one of the best story lines DC has done in years! And for the first 100 people that come in and buy a copy of this great book, a BLACKEST NIGHT RING is yours to be had for FREE! And by Rao’s sake, do not turn around and sell this cool collectible on eBay; wear it proudly in public and let people know what a great store ya’ got it at! (please?)

When times are tough, the tough start discounting, and that’s exactly what we did to another two display cases in the store! The “Star Trek” case has been emptied, and in its place is a nice pot pourri (that’s French for “totally-mixed-up”) assortment of SILVER to MODERN great collectible comics at 25% OFF! The case includes a motley mix of DETECTIVE COMICS, DAREDEVIL, SUPERBOY, AVENGERS, and a really tough to find copy of Alan Moore’s MIRACLE MAN #15! And that’s just a sampling. We will be adding more…much more, if warranted. Don’t disappoint us. And the MAD comic and magazine display case as you enter the Central side is also 25% OFF. The very FIRST Mad is represented here, so come in a buy a piece of comic history at a great discount.

And of course, the deal of the week? We’ll honor the Guardians of the Universe this week by giving a 20% discount on ANY GREEN LANTERN back issue on the display floor! That includes Silver Age to Modern Age. The GL’s have recently been restocked, so come in soon for best selection. Remember, ya’ have to mention the blog to get the discount.

Alright, I’m off to charge up my ring. Catch ya’ on new comic day.


About Alan

Alan Giroux, co-owner and founder of AABC is the heart and soul of All About Books and Comics! Alan is the master of acquiring our massive back issue inventory (over one million comics in stock). With 40 years of comic retailing Alan's expertise in back issue comics is unmatched. Alan handles all eBay sales. Got something to sell? Contact Alan!
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