Getting off My Duff #24

Thank you one and all for your monetary support at this year’s 4th of July sale! The comic distributor bills have been through the roof lately, so all sales are greatly appreciated. Hey, you could all do us a favor. Write to Marvel and tell them to keep their price points at $2.99 per book. Do those guys in New York know what a recession is?????

As per the norm, we’re in the process of sorting another collection. Dan and I sorted and alphabetized approximately 6,000 books in the last two weeks, and I spent some of the holiday weekend making sets or “packets” of a lot of obscure Indy stuff! How obscure you ask? On the packet shelf you’ll see heavily discounted runs of: APE NATION, ENTROPY TALES, LAST OF THE VIKING HEROES, MIDNITE SKULKER, FRENCH ICE, CONSPIRACY COMICS, and A DISTANT SOIL. There. Obscure enough? But obscure should not be equated with “bad.” Some of these books had great art and wonderful fantasy/slice-of-life story lines. Ashley alphabetized and placed a whole gob of them out today, so check ’em out this week. Some of these are 25 year old runs, and they’re priced pennies to the dollar. Give ’em a try.

The Professor is back at his reviews, taking a well needed month off. Dashing Dan the Man did a remarkable and admirable job with his critiques, and exercising some real talent with his new major at ASU…Journalism! It was a particularly tough month to do reviews, considering Marvel published everything but the kitchen sink to start the summer! Thank you Dan!

DC, my favorite comic book publisher in the whole damn world, is attempting something very experimental, starting this week. A new book entitled, “Wednesday Comics”, will hit the stands, a 16 page comic that unfolds to a sprawling tabloid sized newspaper, in the tradition of a Sunday comics section, and will feature comic strips of BATMAN, ADAM STRANGE, and CATWOMAN, to name a few. Very cool.

Eddie has informed me that the “variant” rack is bursting at the seams, and god knows we’ve been inundated with variants from all companies lately. So for the deal of the week? Mention the blog and take 25% OFF ANY VARIANT for the next seven days! This includes the brand spankin’ new variants shipping on Wednesday too! And on that note, we’ll see ya’ on new comics day!


About Alan

Alan Giroux, co-owner and founder of AABC is the heart and soul of All About Books and Comics! Alan is the master of acquiring our massive back issue inventory (over one million comics in stock). With 40 years of comic retailing Alan's expertise in back issue comics is unmatched. Alan handles all eBay sales. Got something to sell? Contact Alan!
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