Getting Off My Duff #11

Hello everyone! We’re in the process this week, mostly Ashley and myself, of pricing and refilling a lot of contemporary back issues for the back issue display boxes in the center of the store. I know I’m always foaming at the mouth about Silver and Bronze Age books, but contemporary back issues are an integral part of our store’s mix too. Titles just added this week: BLACK PANTHER, GREEN ARROW and BLACK CANARY, GREEN LANTERN CORPS, JONAH HEX, MS. MARVEL, MOON KNIGHT, NEW AVENGERS…just to name a few. The Professor will have completed another year of teaching soon, so expect to see Phil adding tons more to the mix this summer. If you have any particular requests of titles you’d like to see more of, just email us or give us a verbal holler.

We currently have about 3,000 comic hardbacks and TPB’s in stock, and we’re running out of shelf space! We need to make some room for new additions, which leads into the blog deal of the week. Come in and purchase FOUR hardbacks or trade paperbacks, and receive the 5th one FREE! Granted, we’re all on tighter budgets, so if your wallet doesn’t let you buy four books, we’ll give you a double “punch” on your ALL ABOUT trade paperback “punch” card. Don’t know what an AABC punch card is? Next time you buy a TPB from us, we’ll give you a wallet size card that keeps track of your purchases. Buy twenty TPB’s within a year, and get the next one FREE! There are some of our loyal bunch out there that go through a punch card EVERY MONTH! And for this, we salute you!

As for the new early Silver Age collection of books I told you about last week, I can’t give you any further details, since the collection hasn’t arrived yet. But when it does, I’ll be all over it like bees on honey, and get the books bagged and priced and in the store pronto. Count on it.

We’ll see you on new comic day.


About Alan

Alan Giroux, co-owner and founder of AABC is the heart and soul of All About Books and Comics! Alan is the master of acquiring our massive back issue inventory (over one million comics in stock). With 40 years of comic retailing Alan's expertise in back issue comics is unmatched. Alan handles all eBay sales. Got something to sell? Contact Alan!
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